How to submit your application

How to submit your application

It is essential that you submit your application correctly: by means of a properly drafted covering letter and CV. In this article we provide some basic tips that will help anyone who wants to apply for a job offer.

There are certainly many companies that are involved in the daily search for qualified personnel and it is important to be able to get noticed. Many will be thinking that in reality things are different and that the hundreds of curricula sent without success are proof of this. But sending a disproportionate number of applications certainly does not correspond to having a greater chance of success, especially if you aim to join companies that are looking for qualified personnel.

Sending your curriculum vitae to all the companies that are looking for personnel, perhaps without even enclosing your letter of introduction, can lead those who read the e-mail to immediately trash it. For this reason, candidates who want to be taken into consideration in the search for personnel will have to follow simple but fundamental rules.

A good CV: the first step to a job

For all those who have decided to look for a job, the first step can only be to draw up their curriculum vitae. What may seem to most people a very simple operation, actually hides quite a few pitfalls. When we compile our curriculum vitae we are in fact preparing the document that will have to indicate to our future employer all the data concerning our person. It will be essential, therefore, in the eyes of those involved in the search for qualified personnel, to present themselves in detail. In this case, however, it will not only be necessary to pay attention to the substance, but also to the form. But let us proceed in an orderly manner.

The first thing to do when drawing up the curriculum is to use the European format. This is in fact the model most in demand by companies. However, some companies still require the Europass format and so, in order to be ready, it will be better to fill it in both models. Let us now move on to the actual creation of our document.

First of all, we will have to pay attention to the aspect of our curriculum vitae, from layout to grammar. If there are any errors, we will certainly give a bad impression to the recruiter who, in the best case scenario, will consider us to be poorly cared for people. In the initial part you will have to insert your personal data: name, date of birth, residence and contacts. Even if it is not compulsory, it is also advisable to put a photograph, in passport photo format, in order to allow the employer who is looking for qualified personnel to give a face to the person he or she is meeting through the curriculum. In the second part you have to insert the work experience, strictly in chronological order, starting from the most recent one. Here you will have to indicate the names of the companies for which you worked, the duration of the contract and the main tasks carried out. Then you must enter the training experiences such as the diploma and any degrees and specializations, indicating, always in chronological order, the date and the training institution. In the next part you will add your language skills and computer skills, including any certifications received. Finally, even if there is no obligation, you will be able to indicate your hobbies and interests, useful to make known your propensity for teamwork, which is particularly important for all companies that are looking for qualified personnel. Your consent to the processing of personal data contained in your curriculum vitae will also be fundamental.

How to write a cover letter

A basic element to ensure that your application arouses the attention and interest of the evaluator, especially when it comes to the search for qualified personnel, is undoubtedly the drafting of a targeted cover letter. This allows us to introduce ourselves to the recruiter, indicating our main skills and interests, which will obviously be deepened in the curriculum vitae. A non-exhaustive or simply not targeted cover letter will drastically compromise our chances of being noticed. By writing the letter correctly, we will make the recruiter interested in our figure, leading him to open and evaluate our curriculum vitae.

Having ascertained the importance of the cover letter, let’s now see how to fill it out correctly. First of all, we must emphasize how we must avoid sending the same identical letter indiscriminately, especially when we turn to companies that are looking for qualified personnel. In fact, sending a standard cover letter will appear to those who read it as almost a pre-filled out letter. Instead, it is necessary to send a targeted letter, depending on the offer to which we intend to apply, so as to immediately arouse the interest of the recruiter. In this way we will give the impression that we are interested not in just any job offer, but in the one published by the company in question.

As far as the compilation is concerned, it will be enough to follow a few small steps. When a company is looking for qualified personnel, it usually publishes a clear job offer. In fact, we almost always find both the requirements to apply and the qualifications that may be required. It will be enough to say in the letter of presentation that you have the necessary requirements, if you have them, and that you have obtained the necessary qualification, and that’s it. Moreover, as often and willingly in job offers for the search for qualified personnel is required knowledge of the role, in order to increase your chances, you will have to indicate the years of experience gained in that specific sector.

All this caution in the compilation of your letter of presentation will serve to convince the recruiter that our figure is actually tailored to the job offer published by him or her.

The last step towards the search for qualified personnel: the interview

Finally, it is important to remember the importance, in the case of an interview, of presenting yourself properly dressed. The moment you sit down in front of a recruiter you should look just like your CV and cover letter: perfect. When we talk about the search for qualified personnel, we are definitely referring to workers who are impeccable both from the point of view of skills and from a purely formal point of view. And so in these cases, contrary to an old saying, the dress will make the monk. So it will be good to present oneself in all respects as true professionals. In this way maybe we will lead the person who is in charge of finding qualified personnel to think that we are the ideal candidate, even before starting the interview. During the conversation with what your future employer might be, you will have to be brilliant but above all interested in being part of that team. For example, it will be important to make it clear to your interviewee that you have previously informed yourself about the company, that you consider it to be serious and professional and that you absolutely want to be part of it. Finally, one last very important aspect will be your willingness to ask questions, obviously related to the work to be done, so that you are interested in the type of work done by the company in question.

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