Search and selection phases

    Personnel search process

  1. Job description definition

    The purpose of this phase is to analyze and document the professional requirements and the needs of the Customer related to the profile that is to be searched for.

    The search and selection process required is very delicate and is normally managed by a recruiter who is highly experienced in the field of reference. In this phase, variations to the job description are proposed, if necessary, which can in any case satisfy the customer’s need.

    To guarantee a complete exchange of information between the customer and the recruiter, a copy of the job description is sent to the customer for verification and approval.

  2. Elaboration of research strategies

    At this stage, a tailor-made research strategy is developed, obviously according to the type of profile sought.

    The search strategies used usually typically include a combination of the following techniques:

    • Multiple posts;
    • Online community involvement;
    • Marketing through search engines;
    • Digital search.
  3. Multiple posts

    The job offer is usually posted on various websites dedicated to the search for qualified personnel.

    This is a circuit that attracts a large number of daily unique visitors and consists of national and international Job Boards (portals that specialize entirely in posting job vacancies).

    The purpose is to provide maximum visibility to the job offer.

  4. Online community engagement

    The job offer is advertised using specialized web channels (social networks, specialized portals, etc.) in order to attract the attention of passive candidates, i.e., those not actively involved in the search for new employment opportunities.

  5. Marketing through search engines

    Involves the creation of web pages containing specially designed job offers, which are widely advertised (via search engines) to specific audience segments (segmentation by interests, i.e., users mainly interested in job offers of a certain kind).

  6. Digital search

    This technique is used to automatically analyze a curriculum vitae by extracting the most relevant data.

    This type of software deals with text analysis, contextualizing and comparing each piece of information, it means CVs are not only analysed much quicker, but more accurately and meticulously.

    This method allows comparable data can be obtained, making it possible to identify the most suitable candidates for each job position.

    Our CV databases are also analysed in this way to extrapolate relevant potential applications.

  7. Personnel selection process

  8. Screening applications

    Through the above-mentioned multi-channel approach, candidates potentially interested in a job offer can be reached. They are then directed to online application forms which may contain multiple-choice questions. The forms allow key competences to be detected in relation to a specific job offer.

    In this way, it is possible to analyse hundreds, even thousands of applications in a short time (using dedicated software).

  9. Interviews

    Candidates extrapolated from the previous phase are interviewed by a recruiter who examines their job skills.

    The interview results are documented through a report called “Presentation Form”, which is then delivered to the client together with the selected CVs.

  10. Assistance

    The client meets the selected candidates and through a continuous comparison with the recruiter, any validation checks are established, which may consist of:

    • tests and/or simulations;
    • any evaluation questionnaires;
    • any in-depth interviews;
    • verified knowledge of a specific foreign language;
    • collection of documents;
    • etc.

    The ways in which this phase is delivered are defined from time to time according to the case in question.