Search and selection of sales agents

Search and selection of sales agents

A recruitment agency that researches and selects sales agents needs to have a broad and deep knowledge of sales and marketing systems, otherwise it may be ineffective in the evaluation of business profiles.

Dealing with the search and selection of sales agents means facing a very particular type of project. In our opinion it is a complex activity, which may require the reorganization of sales processes in order to make the recruitment itself successful.

When you are in the business of recruiting commercial agents, you first need to establish precisely the type of profile required and document your needs through the compilation of a Job Description. It is better to draw up specific Job Descriptions, containing information about the characteristics of the sales agent sought, the economic offer, how to manage the sales network, etc.. For more information on the subject, we recommend reading this article, which provides some ideas on how to collaborate with a recruitment company in the selection of business profiles.

Sales agents research channel

You can use several channels to search for sales agents at the same time: advertisements, sector and specific databases, direct contact with sales agents, etc. The number of sales agents has decreased considerably in the last few years, therefore it is necessary to plan search campaigns using different communication channels at the same time in order to gain extensive visibility. Publishing search ads within a few websites can lead to inadequate results.

Before starting a search and selection project, we remain available to share communication and search strategies.

Selection interviews

Usually we structure the selection interviews taking into account the Job Description provided by our client, because the behaviors, selection criteria and trends of companies in the search and selection of sales agents are different and change depending on the search and selection strategies to be used.

There are companies that prefer recruiting sales agents who have already gained sales experience in a specific sector. There are companies that exclude sales agents from the search and selection process that come from a specific sector. Each company has its own policy and its own system of creation and management of the sales network. One of our objectives, when clients ask us to do so, is to advise and share possible alternative strategies for the search and selection of sales agents. It should also be considered that the process of selecting a sales agent does not end with the signing of a contract that regulates the employment relationship, but with the first period of work in which it is possible to observe the actual sales potential in the field.

Management of the sales network

We believe that managing a sales network properly is as important as adding new salespeople. A poorly managed sales network can make the recruitment of new salespeople ineffective. This article contains more information about this.

We can provide you with a sales network management process analysis service that aims to identify weaknesses that need to be corrected to improve the placement of new sales agents. It is particularly in the early approaches that a sales agent tends to evaluate the surrounding work environment and sales network management methods, which if they are weak, can lead to premature abandonment of the job assigned.

We remain at your disposal for any questions you may have.

Consigli per una ricerca efficace:

The recruitment of the Sales Manager

The recruitment of the Sales Manager

The Sales Director has a role of great responsibility, whose main task is to ensure the achievement of the sales budgets planned and agreed with top management. He is a key figure in all companies, but he plays a decisive role in those organisations that are more market-oriented, i.e. that do not only focus on product quality to develop sales, but also on a series of well-defined sales policies and structured and consolidated marketing strategies.

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