Search and selection of sales representatives working abroad

Search and selection of sales representatives working abroad

The search and selection of sales representatives working abroad involves a series of steps necessary to achieve the desired objective, i.e. the identification of valid business profiles.

The steps normally necessary to search and select sales representatives working abroad are the following:

1) objective definition of the search;

2) setting search and selection strategies;

3) analysis of applications;

4) presentation of the identified subjects.

Profile definition

The first step is to precisely define the research assignment and therefore the type of subject to be selected. The research can be addressed to different types of profiles: sales representatives, sales agencies, distributors, importers or final customers of a certain importance. To this end, it is advisable to fill in a Job Description to precisely define the research assignment and the characteristics of the business profile to be selected.

In particular, it is essential to define the characteristics of the person sought, especially with regard to previous sales experience, the characteristics of the customer portfolio and the areas managed, as well as the technical experience gained in the marketing of certain products and/or services.

Definition of research strategies

The search strategies are structured according to the previous point, however in general it is possible to use two basic channels: a) use of databases of sales representatives / agencies / distributors / importers already introduced in certain sectors; b) publication of search ads in specialized portals.

The search for sales representatives working abroad is not always limited to the use of the above mentioned channels; in fact, in some cases it may be necessary to use different methodologies, such as direct contact with networks of commercial relations operating within specific market niches.

The aim of the above mentioned search strategies is to identify applications of business profiles (agents / agencies / distributors / importers) able to satisfy the requests documented in the Job Description.

Analysis of applications

The next step in the search of sales representatives is to screen the applications identified in order to deepen the previous sales experience and the actual knowledge acquired within specific sectors. At this stage, the outcome of the analysis is documented in an evaluation sheet which will serve as the next reference document for further business contacts.

Quote requests for sales representatives working abroad

We support companies that need to select agents / agencies / distributors / importers operating in foreign markets. We remain therefore available to examine your needs and formulate a quote developed ad hoc for the search of sales representatives working abroad. To request more information simply fill out this form.

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