The search for personnel through the use of IT resources

The search for personnel through the use of IT resources

The process of personnel selection through the use of IT resources and, specifically, the Internet is called e-recruitment. Over the last few years, companies and recruitment agencies have moved much of the process for the search of qualified personnel online, in order to make the entire selection process more efficient, thus increasing the speed of contact between company and candidates.

Advantages for companies

Through database and job posting technologies in the network, employers, through the intermediation of recruitment agencies, can meet their staffing needs more quickly, unlike traditional research sources. In addition, conventional recruitment methods are known to be highly expensive and geographically limited.

Search for qualified personnel with e-recruitment

For this reason, companies that turn to a recruiting agency benefit from many aspects. As said, the communicative capacity of the network is fully exploited to get in touch with a multitude of candidates and their CVs. Not only: agencies for the search of qualified personnel use ad hoc software to support the recruitment activity. Very often these applications make it possible to manage the publication of advertisements in a centralized manner and targeted to the target audience, to coordinate the reception of CVs in order to speed up screening activities by focusing only on the profiles interested in joining the vacant position.

Personnel research with e-recruitment: the advantages for companies

The assumption that time is money, thanks to e-recruiting, becomes concreteness. The shorter time needed for the acquisition of applications would already be a sufficient vehicle to shift the focus and investment from traditional forms of personnel recruitment to the more modern online forms. The employment agencies specialized in personnel search operate as a fiduciary filter, thanks to the know-how and expertise gathered in years of activity in the sector, which will allow to centralize in a more effective and efficient way all those activities necessary to support a valid and targeted personnel search. The possibility to use application forms designed thanks to the experience gained by the employment agencies allow the company to search in a targeted way for characteristics of importance for the professional figure of interest.

Benefit from modern and structured e-recruiting tools

The choice by companies to turn to employment agencies is based on the possibility of using modern and structured e-recruiting tools to attract qualified personnel. This aspect is concretized in terms of savings, such as the possibility to reduce the time to hire or the real costs related to the search and selection of personnel, but not only. Agencies that use modern e-recruiting tools can offer an excellent visibility of ads, being able to exploit a vast network of channels on which to convey, with precision and punctuality, the wishes of each client.

We remain at your disposal to provide further information about the e-recruiting tools used by our company.

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