Search and selection of the .net developer
A highly requested profile
In the research and selection of a .net developer it is certainly essential to take into account the skills and previous experience in programming the languages supported by this technology, but also management and communication skills.
The .net developer is a highly requested figure in the job market, and probably the demand for this kind of profile is higher than the availability of good programmers.
He or she is a professional who works in a team and symmetrically with other key figures, such as the developer of web graphical user interfaces. In fact, the .net developer does not always design the graphic part of a website or a web application. The professional figure mainly designs and develops applications and websites dealing with the source code and databases.
The skills required in the search and selection of the .net developer
In the search and selection of a .net developer we look for a figure able to develop the structure behind a web application (in this case we refer to the back-end developer), but also to follow and take care of the external and visible part with which users interact (in this case we refer to the full-stack developer, i.e. a complete developer, both server and client side).
The figure of the .net developer is very requested by the market and it is essential to search and select profiles with the right professional experience and who know how to master the specific tools of web development.
Skills required for the back-end developer
- Development framework of the .net platform, C#.
- Knowledge of scripting languages, e.g. VBScript, ASP, etc.
- DBMS (relational and non-relational), SQL.
- Entity framework, etc.
Expertise required for the front-end developer
- Javascript, JQuery, Bootstrap.
- Angular, React.
- Etcetera.
Expertise required for the full-stack developer
The competences mentioned in the two previous paragraphs.
Please note that these are indicative lists and that the actual skills required for each of the above roles vary according to the type of profile sought.
Prospectives of employment
The job opportunities for a .net developer are many, in fact the job market is always looking for similar profiles, which are normally engaged with different types of professional relationship; specifically how:
- freelance developer;
- an employee contract for a company.
The rewards are really interesting and place the .net developer among the emerging professions and among the most sought-after roles by young people, taking into account that the sector is constantly expanding. It goes without saying that the expertise of the professional determines the amount of compensation.
To encourage professionals with the required skills, some companies (who are looking for .net developers) offer flexible or partially flexible ways of working, which include the possibility of managing projects by working remotely.
Cultural background
There are particular figures with even empirical training, but in most cases those involved in development through .net technology have followed an orthodox training path.
Frequently companies looking for .net developers require a bachelor’s or master’s degree in computer engineering or alternatively the presence of certificates that highlight the mastery of specific programming languages.
The sector is constantly evolving and developing and in order to be competitive it is necessary to continuously update.
Management and communication skills
In addition to specific technical skills, in the search and selection of a .net developer is required the ability to work in a team and to communicate easily with internal (colleagues) or external (customers and suppliers) interfaces.
Other criteria that it is fundamental to take into consideration when evaluating professional profiles in the sector are: the passion for the IT sector, the possibility to test new applications in contexts of great technological appeal and good prospects for professional and economic progression.
Tools for searching and selecting a .net developer
The figure of the .net developer is in great demand, so much so that many companies on the market are looking for this professional profile. The market is expanding; there are offers that come from both small companies and multinationals; the market of start-ups is very lively and by nature they need innovative solutions to start up and be competitive.
According to our experience it is very difficult to search and select the figure of the .net developer, unless structured recruitment processes are used.